Test Name | Result |
User Agent (Old) | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) HeadlessChrome/ Safari/537.36 Prerender (+https://github.com/prerender/prerender) |
WebDriver (New) | missing (passed) |
WebDriver Advanced | passed |
Chrome (New) | present (passed) |
Permissions (New) | prompt |
Plugins Length (Old) | 5 |
Plugins is of type PluginArray | passed |
Languages (Old) | en-US |
WebGL Vendor | Google Inc. (Google) |
WebGL Renderer | ANGLE (Google, Vulkan 1.3.0 (SwiftShader Device (Subzero) (0x0000C0DE)), SwiftShader driver) |
Broken Image Dimensions | 16x16 |
PHANTOM_UA | ok | { "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) HeadlessChrome/ Safari/537.36 Prerender (+https://github.com/prerender/prerender)" } |
PHANTOM_PROPERTIES | ok | { "attributesFound": [ false, false, false ] } |
PHANTOM_ETSL | ok | { "etsl": 33 } |
PHANTOM_LANGUAGE | ok | { "languages": [ "en-US" ] } |
MQ_SCREEN | ok | {} |
PHANTOM_OVERFLOW | ok | { "depth": 9643, "errorMessage": "Maximum call stack size exceeded", "errorName": "RangeError", "errorStacklength": 846 } |
PHANTOM_WINDOW_HEIGHT | ok | { "wInnerHeight": 718, "wOuterHeight": 580, "wOuterWidth": 780, "wInnerWidth": 1440, "wScreenX": 490, "wPageXOffset": 0, "wPageYOffset": 0, "cWidth": 1424, "cHeight": 1561, "sWidth": 1440, "sHeight": 718, "sAvailWidth": 1440, "sAvailHeight": 718, "sColorDepth": 24, "sPixelDepth": 24, "wDevicePixelRatio": 1 } |
HEADCHR_UA | FAIL | { "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) HeadlessChrome/ Safari/537.36 Prerender (+https://github.com/prerender/prerender)" } |
HEADCHR_PLUGINS | ok | { "plugins": [ "PDF Viewer::Portable Document Format::internal-pdf-viewer::__application/pdf~pdf~Portable Document Format,text/pdf~pdf~Portable Document Format", "Chrome PDF Viewer::Portable Document Format::internal-pdf-viewer::__application/pdf~pdf~Portable Document Format,text/pdf~pdf~Portable Document Format", "Chromium PDF Viewer::Portable Document Format::internal-pdf-viewer::__application/pdf~pdf~Portable Document Format,text/pdf~pdf~Portable Document Format", "Microsoft Edge PDF Viewer::Portable Document Format::internal-pdf-viewer::__application/pdf~pdf~Portable Document Format,text/pdf~pdf~Portable Document Format", "WebKit built-in PDF::Portable Document Format::internal-pdf-viewer::__application/pdf~pdf~Portable Document Format,text/pdf~pdf~Portable Document Format" ] } |
HEADCHR_IFRAME | ok | {} |
CHR_DEBUG_TOOLS | ok | {} |
SELENIUM_DRIVER | ok | { "attributesFound": [ false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false ] } |
CHR_BATTERY | ok | {} |
TRANSPARENT_PIXEL | ok | { "0": 0, "1": 0, "2": 0, "3": 0 } |
SEQUENTUM | ok | {} |
VIDEO_CODECS | ok | { "h264": "probably" } |
navigator.cookieEnabled | true |
navigator.doNotTrack | null |
navigator.msDoNotTrack | undefined |
navigator.sendBeacon | |
navigator.cookieEnabled | true |
navigator.userAgent | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) HeadlessChrome/ Safari/537.36 Prerender (+https://github.com/prerender/prerender) |
navigator.appName | Netscape |
navigator.vendor | Google Inc. |
navigator.appCodeName | Mozilla |
navigator.getUserMedia | |
navigator.sayswho | undefined |
navigator.javaEnabled | false |
navigator.plugins | {"0":{"0":{},"1":{}},"1":{"0":{},"1":{}},"2":{"0":{},"1":{}},"3":{"0":{},"1":{}},"4":{"0":{},"1":{}}} |
screen.width | 1440 |
screen.height | 718 |
screen.colorDepth | 24 |
navigator.language | en-US |
navigator.loadPurpose | undefined |
navigator.platform | Linux x86_64 |
navigator.mediaDevices | |
navigator.getBattery details | Charging: true Level: 1 |
Canvas1 | Hash: -1293781217 |
Canvas2 | Hash: -1293781217 |
Canvas3 (iframe sandbox) |
Hash: -1293781217 |
Canvas4 (iframe sandbox) |
Hash: -1293781217 |
Canvas5 (iframe) |
Hash: -1293781217 |
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(Google)", "ANGLE (Google, Vulkan 1.3.0 (SwiftShader Device (Subzero) (0x0000C0DE)), SwiftShader driver)" ], "multimediaDevices": { "speakers": 0, "micros": 0, "webcams": 0 }, "productSub": "20030107", "navigatorPrototype": [ "vendorSub~~~function get vendorSub() { [native code] }", "productSub~~~function get productSub() { [native code] }", "vendor~~~function get vendor() { [native code] }", "maxTouchPoints~~~function get maxTouchPoints() { [native code] }", "scheduling~~~function get scheduling() { [native code] }", "userActivation~~~function get userActivation() { [native code] }", "doNotTrack~~~function get doNotTrack() { [native code] }", "geolocation~~~function get geolocation() { [native code] }", "connection~~~function get connection() { [native code] }", "plugins~~~function get plugins() { [native code] }", "mimeTypes~~~function get mimeTypes() { [native code] }", "pdfViewerEnabled~~~function get pdfViewerEnabled() { [native code] }", "webkitTemporaryStorage~~~function get 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wakeLock() { [native code] }", "deviceMemory~~~function get deviceMemory() { [native code] }", "userAgentData~~~function get userAgentData() { [native code] }", "login~~~function get login() { [native code] }", "ink~~~function get ink() { [native code] }", "mediaCapabilities~~~function get mediaCapabilities() { [native code] }", "devicePosture~~~function get devicePosture() { [native code] }", "hid~~~function get hid() { [native code] }", "locks~~~function get locks() { [native code] }", "gpu~~~function get gpu() { [native code] }", "mediaSession~~~function get mediaSession() { [native code] }", "permissions~~~function get permissions() { [native code] }", "presentation~~~function get presentation() { [native code] }", "usb~~~function get usb() { [native code] }", "xr~~~function get xr() { [native code] }", "serial~~~function get serial() { [native code] }", "adAuctionComponents~~~function adAuctionComponents() { [native code] }", "runAdAuction~~~function runAdAuction() { [native code] }", "canLoadAdAuctionFencedFrame~~~function canLoadAdAuctionFencedFrame() { [native code] }", "clearAppBadge~~~function clearAppBadge() { [native code] }", "getBattery~~~function getBattery() { [native code] }", "getUserMedia~~~function getUserMedia() { [native code] }", "requestMIDIAccess~~~function requestMIDIAccess() { [native code] }", "requestMediaKeySystemAccess~~~function requestMediaKeySystemAccess() { [native code] }", "setAppBadge~~~function setAppBadge() { [native code] }", "webkitGetUserMedia~~~function webkitGetUserMedia() { [native code] }", "clearOriginJoinedAdInterestGroups~~~function clearOriginJoinedAdInterestGroups() { [native code] }", "createAuctionNonce~~~function createAuctionNonce() { [native code] }", "joinAdInterestGroup~~~function joinAdInterestGroup() { [native code] }", "leaveAdInterestGroup~~~function leaveAdInterestGroup() { [native code] }", "updateAdInterestGroups~~~function updateAdInterestGroups() { [native code] }", "deprecatedReplaceInURN~~~function 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false ], "webDriver": true, "webDriverValue": false, "errorsGenerated": [ "azeaze is not defined", null, null, null, null, null, null ], "resOverflow": { "depth": 9643, "errorMessage": "Maximum call stack size exceeded", "errorName": "RangeError", "errorStacklength": 846 }, "accelerometerUsed": false, "screenMediaQuery": true, "hasChrome": true, "detailChrome": { "webstore": "TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'constructor')", "runtime": "TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'constructor')", "app": "function Object() { [native code] }", "csi": "function Function() { [native code] }", "loadTimes": "function Function() { [native code] }", "connect": "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'connect')", "sendMessage": "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'sendMessage')" }, "permissions": { "state": "prompt", "permission": "default" }, "iframeChrome": "object", "debugTool": false, "battery": true, "deviceMemory": 8, "tpCanvas": { "0": 0, "1": 0, "2": 0, "3": 0 }, "sequentum": false, "audioCodecs": { "ogg": "probably", "mp3": "probably", "wav": "probably", "m4a": "maybe", "aac": "probably" }, "videoCodecs": { "ogg": "", "h264": "probably", "webm": "probably" } }